Who we are

Francois Louw Dev is a Product focused application development company specializing in innovative, lifestyle enhancing iOS apps.
We design native iPhone/iPad apps in objective-C for the best performance and user experience.
We design our own products, and also develop and deploy specialized solutions to companies and individuals on a contract basis.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Game Time Stop Watch is Live and in store

Our latest app has just gone live in the worldwide itunes Store, to great responses.

GT Stopwatch is a Timer/Stopwatch designed with gamers and simulators in mind who run programs at faster than normal time, but still need to have a grasp on time past. 

Ever play a Strategy game, and wanted perspective on how long that 90 second build time really is on faster(130%)/fastest(160%) game speed. 

Now you can!!!
GT Stopwatch can be sped up, or slowed down from 50%-250%


1 is a soldier, 2 is an ARMY!!!

So, the next Spartan baby has made it through birth, past the dipping in wine, and on through the Evaluation by main man Spartan.

Release date for GT Stopwatch is set for August the 8th, and its 100% free at launch for all.

GT Stopwatch is a Timer/Stopwatch designed with gamers and simulators in mind who run programs at faster than normal time. 

Frameworks are sooo fluffyyyyy!!!!!

So, this n00b(former) just learned the joys of Frameworks! Why try reinvent the wheel if you wanna go racing? Why not just slap on some pre-made, custom 17's and hit the road.

ASIHTTPRequest just made live soooo much easier!

Francois Louw Dev is live on FB

With the launch of Push Pages, Francois Louw Dev has officially gone Live!!! We hope that you will find our apps useful, convenient, and inovative


like it



The convenient, one touch, one stop for all your favorite websites and blogs.

On launch Push Pages automatically pushes your favorite websites and blogs to your handset, which are easily accessed with a single touch of a button in a convenient table view.

After a simple set up process you will never need to enter any more URL's, enter view pages, open new tabs, search a list of bookmarks, or have your browser tell you it has no memory for the [age you want to load. With Push Pages all your pages are speedily loaded, instantly accessible, and remain available for view at any time.

Push Pages is for those sites you visit again and again, not a replacement browser for searches or one view pages

Push Pages lets you push and instantly view your favorite websites and blogs all from one innovative and convenient location without taking up vital tabs in your web browser.

My Spartan Baby Lives!!!!!

First App is approved and ready for Release

An immense wave of joy washes over me as I open my mail client and at the top a mail from the iTunes store waits at the top of a list of mails with a subject :"Your app status is Ready for Sale"

All the hard work has finally paid off!
My First app (soon to be named) has gone through the refining fires of Apple's submission comity, and has come away unscathed, no legal, regional, or programmatical issues what-so-ever! So now, the marketing begins!

So if I may borrow from my previous Spartan analogy, After months of labour, a grueling 1st birth, and an approving nod from the main man Spartan, the training and battle is finally ready to begin!

Watch for the release note coming soon, as well as a second exciting product to line the virtual shelves of the app store soon.

On a totally different note, spartan babies had to have their umbilical cords cut by their own mother....

Why apps are like Spartans

This morning I finalized my first app, and sent it in to be evaluated. My one friend asked me whether I feel proud because its like birthing a child. After some thought I said "Yes and No... submitting an App is like birthing a Spartan. You put in all the work and effort and then you have to submit it to a 'higher power' to be approved or tossed into a pit along with all the other failed attempts." So, to answer the question, I will be proud once the main man Spartan decides to approve my little 'rug rat' app.

On a totally different note, spartan babies had to be bathed in wine after child birth....

Mircosoft meet Nokia

A lot of people are very skeptical about the latest between Nokia and Microsoft, puritans have issues with the bastardization of the platform and the OS. But windows phone has been running cross platform for years, and with Microsoft implementing a very strict minimum handset specification for all devices, substandard handsets is a thing of the past. And as for Nokia, I don't think there are more versions and builds of an OS floating around in the market place than Simbian.
The merger/partnership seems to be one of the mist interesting developments to come out of 2011. It has been a long time coming with both windows phone and and Nokia playing catch up on the smartphone market for quite some time now. Microsoft has a brilliant OS and UI, and Nokia has the marketshare, a vibrant ovi app and music store, and together they stand a chance to be a real player in the modern smartphone race. And from what we are seeing in the developer community on windows phone 7.1, there will even be apps for Africa soon enough. The tools are innovative, the language easy, and the support is there. Microsoft want input from developers, they want to improve, and they want to make it. Rumors are out that we can expect a windows phone Nokia late 2011.
This is an interesting development that I will be watching very closely.


in a recent lecture at apps_world africa, one of the keynote speakers mentioned DSL's to provide basic templates for apps, creating a set DSL and teaching all in house devs to develop with it. now is this really an option? is it just a lazy man's way of working, or is there method in his madness? comments will be appreciated, as for me, let the search begin.


LOL, you can follow yourself on Blogger..... isnt that like 'like'ing your own facebook status, or retweeting yourself?!

My 1st Post: Hello World

Ok, bare with me here, this is my 1st attempt at a blog.
My reluctance to blog stems from the fact that, well, everybody has got one these days, and stats show that up to 2 million blogs are being updated at any given time (not that I know what 'any given time' means in seconds, minutes or hours), along with twitter's billions of updates making opinions worth less and less.
Now you can differentiate yourself from the masses, by providing content that is relevant, interesting, focused, and/or moderately amusing, or helpful. Up until recently I havnt found anything in my life I really wanted to share that had at least a few of those characteristics, not from traveling, religion, previous work experiences, my dabblings in competitive gaming, fitness, healthy living, or even my opinions on Barney the purple dinosaur. there are others that just do it so much better, and THAT was my opinion.
Until now.
I've always been a bit of an entrepreneur and problem solver, and have recently stumbled upon a very interesting tool to distribute the services and solutions and ideas I come up with. That tool is mobile application design, that has following the major growth of smartphones exploded. And so, this blog will be on my experiences in app design, the challenges I face, obstacles I overcome, events and happenings in the smartphone realm I found I can share better than others, and information on the actual apps I design.
So If this is something that may be of interest, feel free to join me on this journey, and if it isnt, well then to you Im simply another one of the 2 million blogs being updated that just means nothing to you or your life.

And here.... we... go!!!